Wednesday, March 25, 2009

A childhood story that still haunts me to this day.

When I was a about 6 yrs old, my cousin was staying the night over (it was rarely that we were not together as we are only 7 months apart). Well in the middle of the night she started gagging and my aunt ran into the room only in time to witness my cousin puking up chunks of peaches in my hair. To this day I can not stand the smell of peaches it makes me gag, even thinking of the fuzzy feeling of peaches gives me the chills. Last night I visited a friend whom I have not seen in a long time and I went to use the rest room and she had only peach scented soap so opened up the shower to see if there was different soap to use (yes it is that bad) and she only had peach scented everything. So I had to use the soap and gag while i did this and then make up a excuse to use hand lotion when i came out.

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